
Bishop Kukah To Nigerian Youths: ‘Let EndSars Be Punctuation Mark’

Ola ‘Kiya, Reporting

Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah, has charged Nigerian youths to see the botched ENDSARS protest and its aftermath as a punctuation mark in the sentences and chapters of the struggle for a better society.

He charged them to be rather courageous, obtain a voter card so that “we shall turn the corner together.”

Bishop Kukah gave the charge during his Christmas Day homily on Saturday in Sokoto, the Sokoto State capital.

Speaking to the youths in his emotion-laden message, he said:

“Seize the moment by coming out to register and be ready to vote.

“Endsars protests and the aftermath should be a mere punctuation mark in the sentences and chapters of our struggle for a better society.

“There is a lot to live for in this country. There is a lot for our youths to dream about.

“The spirit of Christmas should be seen as a spirit of renewal. Be courageous, because we shall turn the corner together.”

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