Clocks To Fall Back One Hour Weekend

THIS weekend, clocks will turn back one hour as Daylight Saving Time (DST) ends, signaling a shift to standard time across the Northern Hemisphere.

At 2:00a.m on Sunday, November 3, 2024, clocks will “fall back” to 1:00a.m providing an extra hour of sleep and making mornings brighter while bringing earlier sunsets.

The biannual clock change, originally introduced to make better use of daylight during summer months, has prompted ongoing debates about its benefits.

While many regions follow DST, some areas have chosen to remain on standard time year-round.

In the U.S., Arizona and Hawaii do not observe DST, and several other states have passed legislation to remain on DST throughout the year, pending federal approval.

Time Change Impacts 

Research indicates that altering clocks can disrupt sleep patterns and may lead to seasonal mood changes, especially as daylight hours grow shorter in winter which might pose health risk.

While extra morning light improves visibility for school and work commutes, earlier sunsets may lead to increased energy use in the evenings for lighting and heating.

The next time change will occur on Sunday, March 9, 2025, when clocks will “spring forward” by one hour again to resume Daylight Saving Time.


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